The Buddhist Society of SA [BSSA] and I have been inviting nuns to visit us here in Adelaide. So we are raising funds to build a little wooden kuti to provide accommodation for visiting monastics.
Even more good news! We have a young Australian lady who wishes to train to become a nun and it is our intention that she will come to live and train with us at Dakkhina Dhammatthala. This makes the fundraising for a new kuti even more important! Actually we need to get two kutis! One for our trainee and one for our visitors. We have seen just the thing and I have made a photo composition here to show approximately what the first one would look like.
If you would like to contribute to the purchase of the two kutis that will look something like these pictures, you can make a donation via bank transfer.
BSB 065 115
A/C no: 101 81838
Buddhist Society of SA Inc.
Please mark your reference as ‘donation for kuti’
Let us know about your donation via the email address if you would like a receipt. We have not yet been granted tax deductability status.
Thank you to the people who have already made donations towards this project. We have ordered the first kuti on the basis of your generosity and are currently working on a development application to council.