Tomorrow my new Bhikkhuni teacher, Ayya Nirodha from Santi Forest Monastery, arrives in Adelaide for a 5 day visit. She is coming to spend time with me and to see my situation here. Naturally she wants to know that I am well supported here and I want to take every opportunity to receive teaching from a senior Bhikkhuni. We have a 2 bedroom house here, and so I intend to have her stay in the bedroom I usually use.
The Buddhist Society of SA [BSSA] looked into finding a caravan for her stay, but it turned out that our driveway was too narrow to easily get one into our yard. So a few of us got together and built a tent platform and put up a large tent that had been given to me earlier this year, and covered it with a tarpaulin for extra protection. With the camping bed and mattress I feel like it is a very comfortable “canvas kuti”. Naturally I will be staying in the tent, and my honoured teacher will stay in the house.
I expect that my teacher will visit me from time to time in the future. Also, the BSSA and I are planning to invite other monks and nuns to visit us and give teachings. So we would like to build a little wooden kuti in the near future to provide accommodation for visiting monastics.
We have seen just the thing and I have made a photo composition below to show approximately what it would look like. We hope to raise funds to purchase it through crowd funding and through donations. If you would like to contribute to the purchase of the kuti that will look something like the picture below, you can make a donation via bank transfer.
BSB 065 115
A/C no: 101 81838
Buddhist Society of SA Inc.
Please mark your reference as ‘donation for kuti’
Let us know about your donation via the email address if you would like a receipt. We have not yet been granted tax deductability status.