Memories of Ayya Nirodha’s Visit

It was so lovely to have Ayya Nirodha visit last week, in the lead up to Ayya Santacari’s Higher Ordination [Upasampada] next month at Santi and Bodhinyana. You are welcome and invited to attend Ayya’s ordination at Santi if you are able. You can find the invitation to attend the ordination and more information here on their web site.  It was a fairly quiet visit and we would like to share IMG_04522with you some memories of that visit. We already posted about going to Crafers on the Thursday to take Ayya Nirodha to visit the really lovely Sri Lankan Bhikkhus here.

Sanghati robe offered by Danusha and Dulip

Sanghati robe offered by Danusha and Dulip

On the Saturday Danusha and Dulip came and offered dana. They also made the greatly meritorious offering of a Sanghati robe. This robe is only worn by fully ordained Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis. Samaneras and Samaneris [novices] do not have or wear the Sanghati. It is often kept for ceremonial occasions. Most fully ordained monks will keep the same Sanghati for their whole life, since it gets very little wear and tear. Ayya Santacari was very greatful for this special offering of the ceremonial Sanghati robe. She expects that she will have this robe for the rest of her life.
danaOn the Sunday the BSSA committee offered dana. It was delightful to have all of the executive and several of the ordinary members of the BSSA committee come together at the vihara and meet with Ayya Nirodha. unnamed (2)Everyone was happy to have the opportunity to take refuges and precepts and share the merits of this wholesome activity of generosity and virtue with our departed relatives. We also dedicated merit to bless our living relatives, particularly those who are currently experiencing difficulties. Then spontaneously our hearts opened and we felt the wish to share merit and dedicate blessings to all beings. Truly it was a beautiful and uplifting little ceremony. We look forward to further visits for Venerable Nirodha.Me-ayya-ben

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